Thursday, November 21, 2013


Alex Helps Out an Old Friend from The Past

Father ARRESTED After 4 Year Old Daughter DRAWS Picture of GUN (Alex Jones)

Alex Jones to lead March Against Free Speech Ban in Dallas

JFK Truth Media Stampedes Federal Reserve

JFK Thought Criminals on Record

Alex Jones Confronts Dallas Cops For Violating Free Speech!

JFK 104.1 Goes Live

Free Speech Restricted at the JFK 50th Memorial

Standing Up to Censorship, Conspiracies & Lies

Real Life Hunger Games for Wal-Mart Employees

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, November 10, 2013 (Full Show): Joel Skouse...

Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets

Dark secrets of the Catholic Church; Ex nun Confesses





Sunday, November 3, 2013

Targeted Individual: My Story.

Good News here!!!

Solutions to A Lawless Rogue Government

Critics of Health care silinced & NWO.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

All this would be funny if it wasn't so crazy.

Stop The Corruption In Child Support Enforcement Part 1.wmv

Stop The Corruption In Child Support Enforcement Part 2.wmv

Stop The Corruption In Child Support Enforcement Part 3.wmv

Stop The Corruption In Child Support Enforcement Part 4.wmv

Stop The Corruption In Child Support Enforcement Part 5.wmv

One of the aims in published documents in books spun out of Rockefeller Foundation, such as the Doctrine of small children is to spilt up the family. Degrade the role of men. Confuse the sex's.

In the late 1980's my oldest daughter was born. Her mother spent part of the pregnancy over seas. The County which I lived, without my knowledge at the time, was collectivised in to a larger Administrative control grid. The mother and I moved to the larger nearby County three months after the child was born. The mother received AFDC checks over that three month period.

The mother & I met with a man named Dwayne with Child Support. Dwayne was from the original County. Dwayne set the support payment at $50 a month. Dwayne added 50.00 x 3 months = 150.00 & added a Initial Judgement which can be as high as $500. Although he exclaimed that would be defamation since the mother, child and myself lived together. This also means the mother could no longer receive assistance checks such as AFDC as it was called at the time. The Clerical fee was all of $10.00. So our total is $210.00. We paid it then & there.

Dwayne explained to the mother that she was responsible for AFDC repayment from the date she returned from over seas to the birth of the child. Important to note that Dwayne recorded ever thing on Cassette tape.
Shortly after leaving the meeting I came to the realisation that Dwayne did not give back my document's of Identification. So I went back to the office. The lady's there told me, they found them and sent them in a Manila envelope to the address on the license but the docs were returned to sender. This is because the license displayed the old addresses of the neighboring County. The lady's wrote  down exactly what they had done for me to use at Child Support, added that they placed that envelope into a larger one with a note. Then sent them to Child Support (Illegally it turns out). Thankfully the license bureau was lackadaisical back then. 
The State I was born claimed to have no record of my birth. This means I went 24 years without documentation. Obviously that means the only way I could work was for places of employment that were not exactly above violations of so called laws. In fact one of the jobs I had, the owner boss was put in prison for fraud against Medicaid & Medicare.  My family worked at my last job. When the job went direct deposit. One of my family members had to add their name to my new bank account in order to be paid. Also my Portfolio Assessment is not favorable. I did a five chapter Essay called  "Lies In Our Schools Books" In 6th grade after we had a bomb threat that turned out to be a drill at our school.  My wake up process started then. My hero ideals towards Lincoln collapsed from research at that point.You can learn what a Portfolio Assessment is in the first link below.

Everything we do is spied on (including this). For those who still do not believe that (even though it is public).  Ask your self (though you wont). How long in your life time has back ground checking been available on you(?). How about credit (?). Who pays for all the info being kept track of(?). Note-  Key portion of the last sentence is(Kept track of).

Around 1990 or 1991 the original County wanted me to come to Court. In Court they stated someone had added a zero behind the 50.00 dollar initial judgement. Which the court wanted to correct. They asked me to provide the original papers. I found them in 1993 September.

My attempt to alert the neighboring County is when I understood that the neighboring County was actually compartmentalised but, under the collectivised control of the bigger County. Administrative levels are handled just like our public schools. You can see here Wake up to reality by starting here. Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America  Get your kids out of public schools. Also Agenda 21 or This link.  Dumbing down part 2  Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets Short cut version.  More education. If you support Main line ideals, you are supporting stupidity. If you do not participate, you are supporting stupidity. Such as these morons, some of which supported their own Euthanasia forced by Government. Zombienoids sign petitions for their own demise & enslavement.   People sign petitions to ban petitions.

By the way, My oldest child made a big tuh do over men's health products in my bathroom some years ago. It's part of the domestication, indoctrination & put in simple terms Brain damaging our youth. In fact brain damaging all of us. TV programming is called programming for a reason.
De bunkers and fake Libby's do not have the discernment, ingenuity and common sense for they tie it to there side. The Elitist just wrap the rope tighter and tighter. Not just with schools but it's really full spectrum dominates.
The same "Delphi Technique" is used in the Administrative levels which leak into the public arena. Much like the powers that be in the olden days pushing the world is flat. Soon children are taught only flat earth. Speaking out was dangerous and could get you thrown in the dungeon's or Gallo's  called such because a famous man stood against it. Darwinian Theory is but a Theory not fact per say. Though taught as fact, when a Desert will never produce a Swiss Watch. Out come based training at schools is another example. The same training is used in prison parole. Rand Corp Delphi Technique is also in the same vane. Such as: Who discovered America Johny? Options- Mary Mavinchi', Eerie Geller, Hulk Hogan, Columbus. Johny's Portfulio Assessment will not shine if  he writes the answer, (" Native Indians").
September 1993: Finding the original documents I contacted the neighboring County. They supplied me with the earlier Court hearing documents and the original tape from the meeting with Dwayne. Then told me I had to contact the bigger County. When I did the case handler (Deb) showed a ledger that claimed I owed $2063.00. This ledger was scribbled containing math errors with numbers moved around and difficult to comprehend. Deb claimed she had no access to the original tape.( Which is a big LIE!). Which means no tape as evidence to examine in Court. Deb also said Dwane retired and she had no means to reach him. Which means no witness to the tape or set up of Child support to begian with.

After haggling with Deb, who was very programmed from the Administration level psi ops. We went to the Library and looked into the law books.
One- The ledgers must be clear and easily read & understood.
Two- Math errors must be removed. The payer may request removal of the entire debt which a Judge also called a Referee must consider.
Three- The State under the prosecutors office, represented by Child Support can not enforce a payer to repay a State debt that leads to Defamation of Character or other wise Destitution.

Some situations that would apply: The payer can not repay due to legally being unable to work.  Due to health reasons. As a note: One can not work legally with out their Suzi like papers. One of which represents a Government Bond worth about $6,000,000.00  at it's start each called a Social Security card.
Returning to Child Support meeting the Administrator. The Administrator actually agreed with all my evidence. Which was not my burden of proof. The Administrator also realised that the Office had copies of my document's of identification, (this means they opened the inner envelope addressed to me and made copies illegally). The office had old contact info and current of the time. Though they never used it. They were garnishing me as well. They implemented Tax Intercepts. They had my Social Security number with the last four digits mixed around. Later The Capital of my State had the numbers mixed around. The original County after September 1993 had the number switched around from my current County. Also, Drivers license restriction added, then removed.
The Administration took all the evidence to the Referees office and they agreed. There was a list of things which the Child Support  office was mandated to do.
#1: Look for my document's of identification. If they are not found seal a copy of their copy. So I could use them to force my birth state to obtain Birth Ledgers and create a new Certificate of Birth. Which required a picture ID to receive my Stazi document's called a Social Security card. Which is necessary to be employed.
#2: Use the current address and remove all others.
#3: Determine whether I actually owe any thing to the State, which was paid when the case was created. Another words they were to determine if there were any AFDC paid to the child after the three month. The handler argued she could not tell me that.
" Which is stupid"
(A) The ledger it's self show whether or not checks were received.
(B) Deb admitted that there were no records to go by. The County does not keep records beyond three years of a AFDC stopping. ""Which means, there was none and they can not prove I ever owed any money to the State. Which their document's are supposed to represent".
(C) Garnishment and Tax Intercept attempts were illegally imposed. Effectively stealing money from children. The whole case is mis conduct and Fraud.
#4: If something was owed, the office had to re write the ledger from scratch removing the 22 months in which they had my address, but were never in contact.
#5: Remove all math errors.
The list was signed by me. The Administrator said "whoops! The copiers tend not to copy certain colors of ink. So my x-wife (not the mother of the child in question) signed her name above mine. Then printed it. Then dated it. My x-wife's maiden name has the letter(P). It dropped down into the letter (L) in my last name. The first letter of my first name did not come out on the copy very clear.

The Administrator told me to give the office a couple of weeks to get it all straightened out. Then wanted me to ask how long it would take at the desk on my way out. When I did, Deb said "I do not know". I gave them three weeks. Her reply to that was " we will see".

Three weeks later hearing nothing we returned. To find the same ledger with the 22 months multiplied by $50 = $1100.00 removed from the bottom of the ledger. The other problem with the last sentence. The rules say when math is removed, it has to be the amounts that were inappropriately added. The rules do not say where it is to be removed from. Therefore part of the shell game they play. Deb also refused to copy and stamp the identification document's. Attempted to charge me for copy's of everything. Which they can charge. However, if the payer can not afford to pay. The office can not deny discovery.
My first time in the Bigger County's Child Support Court. The Referee looked every thing over. The Referee basically told the Child support Office to get it straightened out.
It's been 24 years. I have contested the Supports document's over and over again. They can not prove their burden which is their obligation.

In 1994 March my youngest was born under the same larger County. The mother had divorced me. Then discovered she was pregnant. Two other men were tested for paternity. Once it was determined I was the father, we had to appear before a Mr Siminson. The mother was on AFDC while we were split up not living together.Siminson was told what had gone on and shown in regards to the other case.

Siminson went out into the office area. Voices were raised. He started to re-enter with a folder in his hands. It said, Office copy on the side. He walked back out of sight. Came back with a folder that said payee copy and my name. I looked it over and realised the money removed on the first case. Which is a order called a Order Of Forgiveness. Still displayed the correct year in the Civil order number but, the body contained a different year.
Siminson went over the new case claiming he would not allow what happened on the old case take place on the new one. We paid what was owed that day. The support was set at $5 a month. This is because my x-wife and I resumed living together but, were not re married. However, she claimed we were going to remarry.

Eventually my x-wife moved away to another town in my State. Leaving the child with me claiming it would be for one year. It did not go that way. She came and took the child 4 months later and moved to Florida.

The town she lived, before moving to Florida contacted me and change the monthly support to $15. The mother indicated I would get full custody. Which never happened. Also, neither myself or the support of that town knew that the mother and child already moved to Florida at the time of the recorded call.

A few years later I supposedly owe $6,000 to my State on that case. The same case handler was then in control of both cases. With a Tax intercept from the town the mother last lived, Florida, and my town. Also a Tax intercept on the first case in my town. That totals four Tax intercepts all managed and pushed by the same case handler.
 The support office is a Debtors Court agent hidden under the Prosecutors office. All government body's and Courts have a registered insignia like INC or some other insignia. These support Courts are not legal so they hide under other offices.

The offices receive incentives for case loads and support order filings. Incentives for not using your correct address and filing service orders and use the Sheriffs offices as Mafia strong arms. They receive kick backs for Court time and raising payments on orders. The Referees are sponsored as are all Court Judges. Like race car drivers.

The Child Support Enforcement steals money from the citizens of the town, County and State with Federal funding. Then comes after the father a second time. Then makes sure that the man is locked in for as long as they can get away with it. They will tell you it is in the best interest of the child. The papers say"best interest of the State". Which we are the boss of. The support system is a Problem Reaction Solution system. Link.
Lawyers run like scared rabbits finding out I had proof which is not my burden. Siminson admitted the whole system was a scam. He used to handle men's cases but, switched sides. The only thing that has been done is to remove Deb from handling one of my cases. I keep pushing that they can not prove I ever owed any thing to the State. They are padding their budgets. Which is also illegal. Some more reality Link.

In 2007 at a face to face meeting. The new person handling the newer case, made sure to have a brand new assistant administrator with her. Which was on his first day. The new guy was taken back by some of the things the new case handler would say. They argued with each other on camera. The new case handlers research of that case didn't even match their own paper work. She would wave around a supposed original copy of the original paper at the cases start.
I asked where is the video, audio and or consent form?
She said.."What do you mean"?
The new assistant Administrator said.."He means, you can use copies with his signature if he has given consent to the office for use".
 I added "your office legally can use copies less I contest them as accurate replications of originals. Which is your burden of proof to prove".
She said "there are none. We do not have to keep originals".
The new guy said.."Yes, but if he contest them, you have to back them with something".

When I showed them the Order of Forgiveness from the other case and the list that support was to follow in 1993. Note the context (Order of forgiveness isn't that nice of them?) Showed them that the signature on their copy of a supposed original (new case) was the same signature, even the (P) in my x-wife's name dropping down into my last name, into the top of the letter (L).

 The document's passed off as a original had never started out as a physical document's. When you scan it into a computer, the dates and signatures can be slid around. The (J) in my first name still has the ghost line at the top. Who ever tried to fill it in did not stay in the line. They also dotted the letter (I) in my last name in the wrong place. The original dot of the letter (I) was still there, just required magnification to see. That document passed as the original of the newer case is the third iteration of it. Of course none of it has ever been straightened out due to it being compartmentalised, collectivised  & a Communistic cliptocratic scam. Separation of family to demoralise the payer. Deb even called me a dead beat back 1993. I replied "You mam are a crap stain on white underwear".

Mr Benson called for heavy North woods Project type programs against our Constitutional Free Republic and it's citizens. The Billboard was our reply. As of late a new revised effort has been implemented against us. Not only  have Soldiers been asked to fire on us. They are being purged.

Black helicopter's crowd are loonies right?.
When you used to say NWO. You were called a kook! More recently when you say NWO. You are told it is not the same NWO you are talking about. Denial in the form of Stochholm Syndrome.
Your first clue should have been Santa does not come down a chimney Christmas day.
Your second clue is the Easter Bunny is not real.
Your third clue is the Tooth Fairy is not real.
Your 4th clue is we are not a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Free Republic backed by a Bill of Rights from out of the Declaration of Independence. You have the right to secede and Nullify and that includes Court JuryDemocracy is Parroted out by all Main line sources (The same that Parrots out NWO).
Your 5th clue is all government rewrite History.
Your 6th clue is the Which Hunt or Spanish/Soviet Inquisition against free citizens of the Republic.
Your 7th clue is that the Military industrial complex controls 90% of research & Development.
Your 8th clue is Big banks & Big Pharma (Similar share holders, Frist cousins marriages). Commit mass fraud and no one gets in trouble.
Your 9th clue is the Founding Fathers left warnings of whats happening. The plans were in print in their time.
Your 10th clue is Fiat money backed by thin air.
Your 11th clue is a Free Constitutional Republic does not use Trickle down Economics.
Your 12th clue is stupidity through Dog Training is at a all time high.
Your 13th clue is over population is a myth. Pure numbers show there are lots of habitation out there in a universe bigger then ones imagination can comprehend.
Your 14th clue is GMO's can be clean &Vaccines can be clean.
Your 15th clue is your paying for it all to include ALCIADUH.
Your 16th clue Hospitals treat not cure.
Your 18th clue you were born with out man made medicines, obviously unbalanced nutrition leads to sickness. Sewer systems, better heating and bathing improved health.
Your 19th clue is Free speech zones.
Your 20th clue paying family's to shut up about False Flag missions were their sons and daughters are involved, killed or later done away with.
Your 21st clue is that the elite brag about what they are doing in memo's, books and other publications.
Your 22nd clue TV programming, the operative word being "Programming".
Your 23 clue is the domestic spying, which your a kook for mentioning before.
Your 24th clue is the GOD is dead push. One world Government, One World Regional economics system/trickle down system and One World Religion.
Get a clue!
This post maybe updated or have additional information added from time to time. Wake your rear end up. Non violent but stand up. This Country was founded up on a Free constitutional Republic.Those who go along with an know the system that is in place is cliptocratic and a new form of Communism. Are will fully ignorant, intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt.



Meet John Kerry, Skull and Bones Ambassador

Skull and Bones Headquarters Broken Into at Yale University

Admin Lies.

Hollow weenie.

Initiative 522.
I've been going through the elites divide and concur using Child Support for over 20 years. Born out of Planned Parent Hood. Members of my family have been invited to meetings with Child support and Court hearings so they can hear it for themselves. I have set and gone over the paper work with them. Those family members have truly been Dumbed Down. They literally will say things like.."how can they get away with that?". (Well how can Big banks scam trillions with no one getting in trouble?)  Or say.."I do not get it"? I reply.."Whats not to get, Its a scam". "It requires mental ability's just above tied shoe laces". Explaining the Child support situation to someone is like someone listening to computer gurus talk computer. You may understand the words. You do not understand the lingo. You just about have to give a history lesson. Otherwise the person you are talking to, will try to interrupt with comments from a uninformed frame of reference. Most folks choose to be & remain uninformed. However: They sure will express opions wont they. They will even offer up uninformed info on what you should do or be doing. The terrible truth is they are way far removed from reality. So there you go NSA. I know I am not allowed to think for myself or speak about reality. Dear NSA worker. How can you look your self in the mirror every day?

02 Nov 2013 - Top Secret Spy Agency Transport & my TI story.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Selfies for The Spy State

CISPA 3.0 Announced

Arrested Legal Gun Owner Still Being Harassed by Court System

Houston Abortionist Accused of Murder Speaks Out

Expert Explains Why Low Iodine Is Wrecking Women's Health

Conspiracy Theory in America with Dr. Lance DeHaven-Smith

No longer associate with many folks. We are all attacked through the full spectrum dominance, but going along with the program knowing in the gut cliptocrats are in control is sheer stupidity. So I find my self trying to wake some folks up until it's obvious they are to duh-lusional and 50% of it is willfull ignorance. Making them constructs. An I live near the Minot Air force Base where the missile issue took place. The reeducation camps should be for the willfull ignorant. 80% of the crazy stuff is right out in the open.

Shawn Pinhead Wants To Put Patriots In Mental Wards

When are people ,(even the awake people) going to get there is NO such thing as over population? The universe is immense beyond imagination. We get rid of the cliptocrats and we can literally live where ever we want. It's just another scam folks. Divide & concur. False scarcity: in this case the lie of not enough land space or resources. You want more resources and land? Stop being stupid in the first place. It is comprehension level just above tied shoe laces. Also China is posturing and America is preforming damage assessment scenario's on Nuke strikes in our city's. The elite and there lackey's have to be arrested. Stop being stupid people of the world.TSA freak out.

Grim Reaper Flies Over Kentucky

Thursday, October 31, 2013


The Rundown Live #115: Rosa Koire

Arrested Over A Cigarette: Illegal Police State Dragnet.

DHS Plans for MARTIAL LAW HAPPENING Right Before Our Eyes...

Conrad the Constitution Episode 8 - 2nd American Revolution

Conrad the Constitution Episode 7 - Unemployment

Conrad the Constitution Episode 6 - Obama Care

Conrad the Constitution Episode 5 - IRS Scandal

Conrad the Constitution Episode 4 - NSA

Conrad the Constitution Episode 3 - Drones

Conrad the Constitution Episode 2 - 2nd Amendment

Conrad the Constitution Episode 1 - The 2012 Election

Judge Looks to Make An Example Out of Florida Sheriff

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Michigan State University eliminates hazardous waste by selling it to th...

The Untold History of America with Dr. Peter Kuznick

The untold story of America.

Max Keiser on Digital Apartheid in The New Millenium

France bans use of mother and father

Callers Sound Off on Shocking Obamacare Rate Hikes

Google is Satan

2013-10-29 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV

Blogger Harassed by DOJ for Speaking About Public Documents

Tv Show Promotes Transhumanism: Special Report

Technology is great when it is not in the hands of sociopaths.

Food Bank CEO Warns of Riots

Former Insider Exposed Angela Merkel Bugged Back in June

Democrats Look to Remove Tea Party from American Politics

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


WORLDS OF WONDER trip through the Solar System

Saturday, October 26, 2013

SHADE the Motion Picture

Pass It Around (Full Length)


2013-10-24 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV

Fukushima Rocked by Mega Earthquake

Gov't Backed Destruction of Constitutional Rights

NSA Collecting Obamacare Data, Gets Hacked

Plot of New "Capt. America Winter Soldier" Released

Climate Profiteers Have "Egg on Their Face"

Armed Pastor Defends Lives with A Gun "Out of Love"

Hollywood Conditioning Youth to Produce A Satanic Society

The Rally Against Mass Surveillance with Ben Doernberg

Callers React to Latest NSA Scandal and Obamacare Outrage

Military Police Leak FEMA Gun Confiscation Plan

Alex Jones Forces Army to Pull Christians Are Terrorist Labeling

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The United States of Hyper Inflation & The Rise of Corporate Fascism

Blogger Who Thwarted TSA Body Scanners Now Harassed by DOJ

Shock & Awe (Vault 8)

Soliders Warn of Coming Gun Confiscation and War Against Patriots

Callers React to Military Preparing for War with American Citizens

Get Ready For The "Law" October 2013 To Early Spring 2014? You Decide!

Obamacare Trainwreck Plunges Full Speed Ahead

Clinton's Surgeon-General says Masturbation should be taught in school [...

She was removed but the program goes on. When a famous School Board Admin was asked by parents why their little schools collectivised into larger districts, were teaching early pregnancy awareness and gross sexual imposition awareness(?). Having no such problems (ever), in the past. The Admin said, it is a program, a sociological op. The intent is to promote minor pregnancy and gross sexual imposition, adolescent Miss behavior. Spying on friends, neighbors and parents. Taught fake history, a smidgen of real science with a dash of real math. Also, Edict and Discernment training. It is indoctrination using lies and reverse psychology. Remove their discernment and their commonsense you remove their free will and their ingenuity.

John McAfee Exclusive: How I Escaped from Belize

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

What's That? On Mars.: Child Support: fathers set them straight

What's That? On Mars.: Child Support: fathers set them straight: It is very frustrating to deal with the Child Support scam. You pay tax's so that the mother can receive assistance, choosing not to con...

Child Support: fathers set them straight

It is very frustrating to deal with the Child Support scam. You pay tax's so that the mother can receive assistance, choosing not to continue a traditional relationship with you. Then you end up in court where you are treated as a dead beat dad. To repay something that is already paid.

First: They can copy paper work that has your signature. Doing so is only legal if you give consent. It is the representatives of Child Supports burden of proof to prove that you gave consent.

Second: Most Child support offices are allowed to use copy's of paper work in the Support Court. However, The court can only allow copy's  to be used in court, if you do not contest the copy's as true and accurate copy's of the originals. Where you gave consent to be copied, when your signature is involved.

Know your rights: The representatives of Child Support have the option to keep original papers or not keep the originals. They also destroy records periodically, here every 3 years. It is the representatives of Child Supports fault  if they opted not to keep originals, out of their own laziness and knowingly take part in the progressive/collectivization -IE- Neocon Socialist arm of a Global Elite scam.

The referee (NOT JUDGE) can not allow copies to be used with your signature, that you did not give consent to copy. Nor can the referee allow copies to be used that you contest as being true and accurate copies of the originals. Unless those representing the Child Support Office can meet their obligation proving their burden of proof.

Most Child Support courts are under States Attorneys Offices. All government agency's are a business thus listed with a INC or other insignia. These courts are merged due to the fact Debtor Courts are illegal. There by the term Judge becomes Referee and different qualifications play a role.

More info.

Child taken over fathers unlawful Jailing. Father released by Governer.

SOL 178:

Oldies But Goodies (Vault 7)


MONSANTO CRIMES on Humanity?? - So easy an 11yr Old Kid can Explain it

Gun Silencers Suppressed

Mindless Jellyfish with Handlebar Mustaches Want to Rule You

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How Safe Are Flu Shots? Special Report

Trampled States of America: Special Report

AMAZING! Orangutan asks girl for help in sign language

'Eddie Vedder' Talks Gun Ban With Infowars

Charlotte Iserbyt: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World

Did The People Stop A Nuclear False Flag?

Jesse Ventura on False Flags and Government Shutdown

Obamacare is A Self-Incrimination Surveillance Program

Missing Nuke Alert: Generals Fired

lkTSA Turns Airports into National Security Tyranny Zones

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Truth About Obamacare Will Shock You

Armed March Rally at The Alamo Goes Viral

Wrecking The System by Design

2013-10-08 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV

Bleak Future of Humankind: Zombies vs Robots

Benghazi Whistleblower Asks Obama Some Tough Questions

Obama's Martial Law at National Monuments Continues

Trendies Sign Petition Making Helmets Mandatory for Walking

Nanny State: Mandatory Walking Helmets

Texas Land Commission Calls For Armed March At Alamo

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Eyes Have It.

Pettee Pepsi Baby cell flavored.
A Culture Designed in The Mind of Satan:

Texas Town Kills Two Year Old Because Parents Smoked Pot:
Mars Building with a door some trees, sculptures other constructed elements and a being to the lower right. 
More People of Mars.


Former Defense Contractor Exposes Obama's Death Squads:

It's A War for Your Mind and Soul:


Operation Paul revere infowars: 




Stupid Meters/brain damage:

Ben Fuchs:



Mexican Connection:

Foreign Aid:

Director heck:
