Friday, May 31, 2013

Chain, Carvings and Dead Animals.

Link to image. NASA image will enlarge far better. Click the link and enlarge 300 to 400%. See Dead animals and carvings. A chain and may be a living animal or two.

How the NWO works.

Obom Decept.


By hook.


By crook

All the folks involved were recent to the area in the above Hook or by crook. Boston plan to drill (which occurred before the marathon and during the marathon) Where Freedom groups would be the bad guys using back packs was scheduled for July. New game uses Tea party as the terrorist.
No hesitation used in training ( Cardboard Targets were young children and women) About Drill announcement. North woods over view. Golf of Tonkin Fals Flag.
Great dose of reality.

Great dose of reality.

Great dose of reality.

Great does of reality.

Great dose of reality.

Great dose of reality.

Great dose of reality.

Mars link.

Mars link pause on interesting things & get shockers.

Mars it only takes one item.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


There are some mistakes below. Hate IE9. BRAINS!!!
click Another Helmet
Boston Globe tweets indicated a training exercise was taking place and gave a count down. Regardless of debunkers claims. Time stamps were accurate as I recieved them that day.