Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 23

No Dis closer
 We acknowledge there could be a process ... where the mother ... child or ... father should have money returned ... as over payment ... to the State or... County. This thought process... comes from research ... rather then explanation from the Claimant's. Note ... Contractual Law dictates that ... there can be no ... "Non Disclosure"... no Rule ... Procedure ... Action under Law can take place ... without the Obligor understanding ... what Procedure ... Rule or... Law that is being in-acted. No part of a Contract can be hidden.  In these two cases herein ... Agent's/Officer's of Ward County Child support acted twice ... on both cases as though ... they never recall the written statements of the mother's.  To give  Mr. Hileman access to all Records. They did not want Support or ... Back Owed. 
That fact ... does not allow the State ... to increase the State debt ...  above the amount the State  is taking  ... under their own Contractual confines. Like ... the mother does not want it ...  so we will take it. Please provide the Law ... Rule ... Procedure  and ... Rule of Law. That allows the State to take the child's due money ... out of bounds of the confines of the States own un lawful Contract's. 
Add to that ... there has been ... two Tax Intercepts ... at the same time ... where the Offending Party(s) ... refused to disclose proper Procedure.
Laws,Rules and Procedures mean nothing to us 
Then the Offending Party(s) do not disclose that there is something wrong with those same... Intercepts not taking place.
Do as I say .... not as I do
 Add to that ... sometimes the children would not receive the money ... some periods of  the time ... even though the money was Garnished. Then receive lump sums of money. A father is penalized ... with the supposed State debt ... furthering in Arrears ... by the full amount of Garnishment ... when he leaves Garnishment gaps. Add to that ... the full total Arrears then grows by Interest yearly.
 Troubling actions
 The actions of the Offending Party(s) is troubling ... to many millions of fathers aka ... the Body Politic. This would mean a County or ... Child support or ... other related Companies are receiving ... Grant Monies ... (of a sort) on matched collections ... eventually collected in overage. So ... we have to consider ...  RICO criminal statute (18 U.S.C.A. § 1963) and ... the process of taking the proceeds of Criminal activity and... making them appear legal. 

 Please provide ... the exact Law ... Rules ... Procedures and ... Rule of Law ... Statues ... Codes ... Titles ... Penal Codes ... that have been broken ... or violated. Referencing  ... these two cases herein. Also please provide ... the exact Crimes in current specific Legal Terms. 
To avoid further Violations ... such as Disclosure. Any costs ... to Mr. Hileman ... for supplying return Evidence ... Proof's ... Files or... Documentation ... Can be charged ... (added) on to the supposed debt ... that is held against  Mr. Hileman. As cost ... fees and ... damages are the responsibility of the Offending Party(s).
Let it be known ... Evidences and ... Proves of Laws ... Rules ... Procedures and ... Rule of Law... were and ... are the Claimants responsibility to Prove ... in the First Instance.  The Claimant ... must do so by the Body of Evidence. 
The Claimant's and ... Conspirator's ... that were and ... are responsible ... for not following the Laws ... Rules ... Procedures and ... Rule of Law ... are subject to the same Penalties and ... Punishments ... as anyone else would be. 

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