Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 16

 As all brick and ... mortar business ... doing Commerce are to be Registered. Also please provide ... the Law ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law that explains ... what occurs when a Employer fires a Employee ... who has a Garnishment. Employers can not fire a Employee ... for a specific Garnishment. Since ... this was done in Mr. Hileman(s) case. Please provide ... that Law ... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law for Ward County's role. Keeping in mind ... that Contracts require full dis closer.
Kwick klean
 While Mr. Hileman worked for a Cleaning Service ... called Kwick klean. Occasionally ... the Employer ... would not adhere to ... Court ordered Garnishment.  The Employer ... later went to Prison ... on unrelated issues. What disciplinary action was taken against Kwick Klean? Had the Law ...  Rule and ... Procedure been followed? Please provide ... Proof ...  Evidence of it. Keep in mind ... that Mr. Hileman learned ... that the Employer ... was not complying ... through Ward County Child Support.

  Title 26 is not yet codified ... 16th Amendment some say not Ratified ... Federal Constitution ... although has no Signatory. Which is a required Element of a Contract... of four required Elements. States that ... payment in exchange for labor... is not Taxable.  Given the previous facts and ...  no Law is lawful that ... circumvents another lawful Law. Please provide Evidence and ... Law... Rule and ... Rule of Law that ... Tax Intercept against the father... in this case ... was and ... has been Lawful. Also provide the Procedure and ...  Evidence ... it was and ... has been followed. 
Does Tax's paid by Employer ... not mean ... a legitimate debt ... would already be paid? Also ... is it not illegal ... to charge a debt ... numerous times? Please provide that Law ... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law for disciplinary action ... that was taken against the Party's concerned and ...that those Laws were followed. 
Tax intercept
 When Mr. Hileman ... inquired of the Tax Intercept Procedure ... he was obligated to follow ... with the acting Agent or... Officer. That individual ... first refused to explain. Then eventually stated ... that Mr. Hileman ... should get a Lawyer or... go ask the Clerks Office. It was another individual ... at the Ward County Court House ... in Ward County Child support... who told Mr. Hileman ... he could bring the Tax forms to the Child support Office and ... get some kind of Proof ... he Filed and ... was sending Forms in. The first time  Mr. Hileman did so ... he was yelled at. The Office Swore up and ... down ... they never told him ... no such thing.  
This type of thing
 This type of thing ... happened in the early 2000's. Where a Employee ... named Barb ... of the Ward County Child support Office ... claimed ... Mr. Hileman ... was never on a Revoked license list. However ... in the late 1990's ... someone named Barb ... from Child support ...  argued for over 5 minutes with a DMV worker. The DMV had Mr. Hileman ... on a list ... at one time. They called Ward County Child support ... because Mr. Hileman ... never knew he was on such a list. The DMV person said ... he was no longer on it ... but had been. This person and ... the Barb person ... argued via phone. The Barb person claiming ... Mr. Hileman should still be listed ... on the list.
2007 meeting
2007 meeting a Ward County Child support worker ... claimed that ... no one ever told Mr . Hileman ... he was on a Revoked license list. This was said ... while being filmed and ... in front of a ... new Assistant Admin. Contracts require ... full dis closer. Mixing up other person's file information ... getting wires crossed ... bad day's or ... whatever the case may be ...  matters ... ZERO. The Obligor ... Contested or ... Protested. The Offending Party(s) ... must proved or ... disproved ... not doing either ... the law favors Mr. Hileman.  The case was and ... is ... NULL & VOID. Remedy ... therefor Restitution is Mandatory. 

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