Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 20

Not so Official refusal
 The Child support Office refused to look for the originals. The Child support Office refused to Certify Copies as Required. The date ... the Agent or ... Officer refused was around the first week of ... October 1993.  
Commission of Crime's from Threat
 All Labor Contracts entered over the past 27 years ... were actually not legal. Pertinent Documents of Identification are Required ... to be legally Employed. Keeping in mind ... that Ward County Child support ... had no legal precedence to be involved in the first place.
Supposed Signing of Supposed Contract's
 The supposed signing of papers ... aka the Breached ... Impossible ... Empty Contract ... was under Duress and ... Force. 
Plus ... No claim proven ... No Witness ... No dis closer and ... paid in its first version.  Math errored and ... Scribbled ledger ... in it's second version. Notice to Employer but ... not to Mr. Hileman of Garnishment.  Refusal to identify and ... authenticate. Possession use and ... destruction of  Government property. Use of mothers name ... without consent. Court papers entered ... posing the Court as a higher Court ... Impersonating a higher Office ... Conduct unbecoming of the Office's ... Officer's or... Agent aka ... Agency(s). A Contract ... without proper Pertinent's. Contract's with mis representation of who supposed debt ... is owed too. Two cases ... IE ... State & Support ... tangled as one. Endangering the well being of two ... Minor children and ... Extorting money from them. Imposed 27 years of Defamation with complicity by other's ... in a Official capacity. Threat's and ... manipulation of paper work and ... Records.  Forcing Mr. Hileman ... to carry Burden of Proof ... that is not his burden . In some cases ... that Proof was matter of the Offending Party(s) own Record's . Which must be sided ... in Mr. Hileman(s) favor.  One child receiving a portion of what the other child receives ... thus ... not fair & balance.  Violating Best Interest Of The Child Law's.  No dis closer ... or action taken against Employers .

Voluntary Contract
 In Court ...the Agent/Officer's will hold up copy of Document's ... with Mr. Hileman(s) signature ... on either case. Claiming ... it is a Voluntary Contract and ... they do not have to keep originals. Do they not have to keep originals ... for up to three years ... after a case is closed? One may Enter a Voluntary Contract of his or .... her own volition . One may also leave it ... of his own volition. He or ... she only need to give adequate notice ... which must be clearly printed in the Contract. 
Why it make no sense
 If one does not keep originals ... and ... a Obligor contest ...protests ... the Court must side for the Petitioner ... Obligor... Contesting Party(s)... or otherwise known in these cases as ... Defendant. This is because..even if the Notary testifies ... all they can say is ... they Notarized a Document.  If they... swear it is a accurate replication and ... Mr. Hileman swears it is not. The Court... has to side in the Obligors favor. He contest a thing ... that is neither proved ... nor dis proved. Thus ... must be decided in his favor.
Also amplified by the fact that although it is allowed ... the Notary was not present when signed. So ... allowed yes ... but ... automatically impeaches them as a witness... if it comes up and is Protested. The Notary can not testify to issues of dis closer ... since they were not present. 

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