Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 15

 Please provide ... Evidence of the following ... who are the Witnesses ... to  Mr. Hileman owing a ... proposed debt? List them and ... Evidence of their appearances before ... Mr. Hileman ... face to face under Oath. Such as ... Times ... Dates and ... Place. If any Company of Government ... Office ... Agency or ... the Court ... feel the Witnesses ... did not have to do so. Please provide ... Evidence and ... the Law.

 Please provide ... the Law ... that allows Administrative Court ... to hear and ... Rule on this case herein ... or ignore Controversy and Contest. Contested out of Court ... in the form of ... Personal visits and Phone Calls ... various Written Request ... to obtain Remedy. Also ... Contesting in Court ... in this case. The word Contesting herein ... defined as Protest. Please provide ... that Law ... Rule ...  Procedure and ... Rule of Law for disciplinary action ... that was taken against the Party(s) concerned and ... that it was followed.

 Please provide ... Evidence that ... the Court and ... Ward County Child support has not acted in collusion ... in this case. That the Court had not been in ... a state of consent Recuse and ... misconduct.  
 A Officer ... Agent or ... individual  in a Official Capacity ... who is informed ... of misconduct and ... Failing Authority to do or not do a thing ... failing Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter is required to Report it ... to the proper Authority. Also move on behalf of ... the Petitioner ... Obligor ... Contesting Party. Please provide ... that Law... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law for disciplinary action ... that was taken against the Party's concerned and ... that it was followed.

 Please provide ... Evidence in the Law that ... the Child ... could have been ... a Ward of the State ... with there being Living Relatives. Also please provide ... Evidence of ... who the County is? As well ... who the State is? Please be specific ... in Legal Terms.  Please provide ... Evidence ... Law... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law that ... the best interest of the Body Politic has been served ... in this case and ... both cases. If the best interest of the Body Politic has not been served. Please provide Evidence and ... Law ... Procedure and ... Rule under Law as to ... the Violations and ... what disciplinary action was taken and ... that it was properly followed.

 Please provide all  Reports of spending towards or ... on the account ... of this case ... as expense and ... Cost to the people ... going as far back ... as the Record. To Prove as Evidence that ... there has been ... no Misuse of Funds ... in Mr. Hileman(s) name or ... his child's name ... as a part of this case. If Mr. Hileman can not have access to this information. Please provide the Law... in whatever Official form ... it may appear... that re-frames Mr. Hileman or... the Body Politic ... from viewing and ...  scrutinizing Expenditure's ...  Collected Interest on Securities and ... the flow of money ... including Title 4D. Belonging to the Body Politic ... through Ward County Government Company's ... Agencies or ... Office's.

Please provide ... the Law ... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule under Law that ... allows Ward County Child support to garnish a father's Wages and ... how it applies ... in this case. With Evidence that ... it was done with in the Law ... Rule ... Procedure under Law ... in this case. Also provide Registry of the Referee's Office ...  Court and ... DHS and ... Ward County Child Support.

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