Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 17

Employer's shall not infringe
 Provide Procedure and ... Law... Rule and ... Rule of Law that ... allows a Employer to fire a Employee. When the Employer ... had taken less Tax out of Employee's Pay Cheque's ... for a period of time ... then fires Employee ... with out Right Ups of any sort? The Employer ... in front of Witnesses ... on a number of occasions ... made statements. That if Mr. Hileman ... did not work more Overtime. The Employer ... will have to figure something else out. Another words ... threatening  Mr. Hileman(s) Job. The Employer ... originally began making remarks that ... he guessed ... he would have to pay  Mr. Hileman ... under the table. Mr. Hileman ... also worked a Cleaning Service Job ... at the time and ... declined the Employer's ... off handed remarks by... simply not responding. 
We acknowledge Right To Work State
 Keep in mind ... Mr. Hileman had ... a exemplary Record and ... made his way from ... Days to Nights ... to Supervisor of nights. In fact ... Mr. Hileman worked as a supervisor with out the title or... pay. He had to ask the boss ... part owner ... why Mr . Hileman was not given the supervisor pay and position.  Also another matter of fact ...  Mr . Hileman cleared with Child support that ... the cash amount of Garnishment ... would not raise child support.  Provide ... the Law ... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law taking place ... in the process of Employer dissolving ... the Employers relationship with ... Ward County Child support ... Debt Relief Office ... Court ... Agency or... other involved Government Company ... in this matter. Provide Evidence that they were followed.  Keeping in mind ... that Contracts are to maintain full dis closer ... there was no dis closer ... even in Court.
In regard to the Hotel -Restaurant
 In fact ... in Court ... where Mr. Hileman was asked to provide Proof that ... was not his burden to provide ... where three changes of Employer took place ... in the same Work space ... were Garnishing ... twice the amount of the monthly Garnishment Order. That totals ... four past places of Employment ... who were interfering and ... never were charged ... under ND CENT CODES or ... Federal violations.
  Mr. Hileman was fired from three additional jobs ... for not having Pertinent's ... that were proven to be in Ward County Child supports possession. Proven on or ... around ... the 18th day of September 1993. Which the Agency therefor ... had to have opened the envelope ... with it's note from the ladies ... who sent it. Then have had to of open ... the envelope ... inside of the bigger envelope ... addressed to Mr. Hileman ... with its Post Mark ... that was returned to sender.  The sender being the ladies at the Office ... where  Mr . Hileman ... Dwayne ... and the mother ... met
N.D. Cent. Code §§ 14-09-08.11, 14-09-09.3, 14-09-09.6, 32-09.1-18
Employee protections that exceed federal law Employee may not be discharged... because of wage garnishment(no number specified). Employer’s fee $3 per month... for child support.
Employer penalties... general wage garnishment... For discharging employee... because of a garnishment... liable for twice lost wages and reinstatement.
Employer penalties child support withholding: for failing or refusing to withhold or deliver income... May be punished for contempt of court. May be liable... for amount of income that should have been withheld... or delivered... as well as... costs... interest... and attorneys’ fees. May owe late fees as well. Employer who refuses to employ... dismiss... demotes... disciplines... or in any way penalizes the employee... because of a proceeding to collect child support... is liable for damages... costs... interest... and attorneys’ fees... and may be required to make restitution including ...reinstatement and back pay.
Recent Knowledge
 Mr. Hileman ... only recently became aware of the fact ... he was Under Protection by State and ... Federal Law... from being fired ... over the past 27 years. We find it interesting that ... those involved in holding ... the supposed debt ... against him ... never  dis closed or... acted upon N.D. Cent Codes. The Employer's ... would of course have the Legal Right ... to defend themselves ... if the Cent Codes were acted upon. This would result ... in the supposed debt ... being Paid or ... Exposed ... as Null and ... Void. 

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