Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 5

 Title 26 is not yet codified ... 16th Amendment ... some would argue ... not Ratified ... Federal Constitution ... although has no Signatory... which is a required Element of a Contract ... of four required Elements ... states that payment in exchange for labor is not Taxable. Given the previous facts  and ... no Law is lawful ... that circumvents ... another  lawful Law. Please provide ... Evidence and Rule ... Law and ... Rule of Law ... that Tax Intercept against the father ... in this case was and ... has been Lawful. Also ... provide the Procedure and ... Evidence ... it was and ... has been followed. 
We acknowledge Right To Work State
 Does Tax's paid by Employer mean... a Legitimate Debt... would already be paid? In fact... isn't it illegal to charge a debt... multiple time's?  What is that Law... Rule and... Procedure and... Rule of Law for disciplinary action... that was taken against the Party(s) concerned?  Provide... Evidence... it was followed.  Also... to include... what Procedure and... Law... Rule and... Rule of Law... allows a Employer... to fire a Employee ...  when the Employer ... had taken less Tax out of Employee's Pay cheques ... for a period of time. Then fires Employee ... with out Right Ups ... of any sort? 
The Employer  on several occasions ... in front of Witness states. That if ... Mr. Hileman ... does not work more Over Time ... the  Employer... will have to figure something else out. Another words... threatening Mr. Hileman(s) Job. The Employer ... originally began making remarks that ... he guessed ... he would have to pay Mr. Hileman ... under the table.  Mr. Hileman ... also worked a Cleaning Service Job ... at the time and ... declined the Employer's ... off handed remarks ... by simply not responding. What Law... Rule and ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law takes place ... in the process of Employer dissolving ...  the Employers relationship ... with Ward County Child support ... Debt Relief Office ... Court ... Agency or ... other involved Government Company... in this matter?  Also provide ... Evidence that those concerning Laws ... Rules and ... Procedures and ... Rule of Law ... were followed.  Also provide ... Evidence that ... Mr. Hileman received Disclosure ... in regard to Employment and ... Garnishment and ... Tax Intercept laws ... Rules ... Procedures and ... Rule of Law. In regards ... to the supposed Contract ... that Child support claims to have with Mr. Hileman. 
Recent knowledge 
Mr. Hileman... only recently became aware... that he was protected... by State and... Federal Law. Contracts... must have Full Disclosure. There was no disclosure... on the issue... which is the imposing Party(s) obligation... to disclose.  Also... to Prove Authority to do or not do something.
If the Obligor this case ... Mr. Hileman  did or ... did not have the responsibility ... to inform Child support ... of the experiences ... he had ... at previous Employment and ... was fired from. He had to be ... made aware of it ... by the Offending Party(s). The Offending Party(s) ... being obligated to fully disclose ... legally renders ... the Support Agency and ... Conspirator's responsible.  The problem here is ... similar to the DHS problem and ... Child support problem. If a mother ... does not give permission ... to disclose ... her private information. The debt ... as in State debt ... supposed to be owed by the father...  can not move to the collection stage.  Lacking Proof of Claim ... as it pertains ... to a Employer... a similar problem exist. 
The Employer can not interfere with a Support Case. However ... a Employer ... can ... defend themselves. Requiring ... the Court Orders to  be validated. The only way to validate ... is through Full Disclosure. That requires ... both parent's ... due to the information being ... their Private Information. 

If Mr. Hileman would have known ... he also ... could have sued those Employer's ... in Court. Mr. Hileman ... having had ... Intellectual Property... as Supervisor ... at several previous Employment's.  Which is treated ... the same as ... physical Property in Court. Thus the Salary value ... with raises of permanent Employment ... with Benefits and ... Health coverage ... until age 65 or... reinstatement.  There would be ...  no reinstatement ... because ... those Employer's ... would have won and ... won their Collateral Attacks. Reason being ... due to the County's lacks of Claim ... Non Dis closer and ... Unlawful Contracts or ... having Proved Claim ... lacking of Proof of Authority to do or not do something ... entangled in Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter.  Provide... that Legal Action ... that was taken against ... Terhorist Manufacturing ... Prove proper action's were followed.

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