Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 13

 Double dealing
 Mr. Hileman worked at a Hotel/ Restaurant ... on one side ... or the other. Depending ... on the time frame .The Hotel ... lost it's franchise name. Then ... a fire in the kitchen ... caused that Restaurant to leave. For awhile ... the Hotel/Restaurant bore the same name. Then ... another Restaurant ... moved into the Restaurants space ... in that Hotel. The wages ... were being garnished ... through out that point ... on both cases ... double the Garnishment monthly amount order. Mr. Hileman was later ... fired over it. 

 When ... the X wife moved to Grand Forks.  Mr. Hileman had their daughter ... for four months. The X Wife originally said ...  six months ... and that Mr . Hileman would likely get Custody. At the Hotel Restaurant Mr . Hileman received a call ... from Grand Forks. The caller ... was with Child support ... and wanted to schedule a call ... about support ... which ... would be Recorded. In the process of validating  Mr. Hileman(s) Personal Information ... the Social numbers ... were listed at Grand Forks ... mixed around. At the time of the Recorded call ... the X Wife and the child ... had already moved ... to Fort Walton Beach Florida. At that particular point ...  neither Grand Forks nor Mr. Hileman knew ... the mother had already moved ... with the child. According to the Rep ... from Grand Forks ... claimed by the mother ... Mr. Hileman would likely get ... Full Custody.

 On a visit to Minot ... the mother and ... father realized ... there was supposedly ...  State debt on this case. The two ... also ... discovered the mother's Statement's ... that were requested in writing by the Asst Admin ... was missing from the Record at Ward County Child support.  The X Wife was fairly angry ... and they called Child support.  The County also stated ... there was no Record of AFDC/TANIF . The X Wife added that fact to the new statement. 
 No Record
 The County stated ... that if the mother ever received Assistance ... it would ... have had to been closed ...  for at least Three years ... prior to the parents call.  1999 - 3 = 1996 ... the child was born ...  March 18th 1994.  The X Wife and ... Mr. Hileman ... made sure to check on ... the written statement ... of the first mother that was entered twice. It was ... once again ... missing from the Record. 
Realize  the County stated ... it would have had to been Closed ... for at least ... a maximum of ... four years ... at the time of the parents call ... which was made ... September 1993. Four years ... because ... it depended on ... how fast the case was gotten too and ... removed.  1993- 4 = 1989 ... The child was born ... Dec 8th 1987.  Both cases ... having a approximate two year window.  Please provide ... Evidence ... Law ...  Rule and ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law... that allows Child support ... the Court ... Debt Relief Office or ... any Agency/Office or ... other Company of  Government ... to preform in such a manor. Also ... please provide ...  Evidence of what are the Violations? What disciplinary actions that were taken ...  against the Party(s) concerned ... in regards to this case and ... matter? Also provide ...  Evidence it was followed.

 Please provide ... Evidence of Plaintiff ... Claimant or ... Injured Party ... to the claim against Mr. Hileman. To include ... Signatories. Please provide Evidence ... if the Signatories are the Claimant ... Plaintiff or... Injury Party. Also ... if they have faced Mr. Hileman ... under Oath ... with Evidence of ... proposed debt. Also provide ... the Petition ... Affidavit from the Body Politic ... with their Duly Sworn  Witnessed Certified Complaint's ... as Victim's or ... Claimant's. When this case ... originally started. Also when ... they served Notice with ... Evidence as Proof to Mr. Hileman. As needed ... of the representing Party's ...  of the County and ...  State pertaining to Jurisdiction of Subject Matter.

Please provide ... Evidence that the Plaintiff ...  Claimant and ...  Injured Party has provided Notice of Claim. Before ... Ward County Child Support took action. Also ... that they or ... any Company Agency ... Court or ... Office gave Notice ... with Evidence of Claim before ... Ward County ever had record of ... supposed debt ... at the DHS level. Also please provide ... the Petition ... Affidavit from the Body Politic ... with their duly Sworn Witnessed Certified Complaint's as Victim's or ... Claimant's from when ... this case originally started. Also ... when they served Notice ... with Evidence ... as Proof ... to Mr. Hileman. As needed of the representing Party(s) of the County... and State pertaining to Jurisdiction of Subject Matter.

Please provide ... the Law that allows Ward County Child support Officer's to act as ... Witnesses. While representing Plaintiff in Court or ... for people in Official Capacity ... to change on document's ... with out Notice. Whichever the case may be ... Prove it.

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