Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 22

Actions with out approval
 After the Agent ... Officer  was told where the child was. The officer stated ... "I will just stop sending Child Support ". Of course ... in a actual legally binding situation ...  something like that ... requires a Court decision ... unless they are tied at the hip ... so to speak. Do no Laws ... Rules ... Procedure(s) and / or ...  Rule of Law ... contain and /or... over see Ward County Child support or ... the Court?  Of course there are. Please provide Evidence of disciplinary action taken and ... Evidence that those Laws ... Rules ... Procedures were followed. 

  Please provide the Law ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law ... that allows the State ... Counties or ... it's Companies ... Agencies ... Offices or ... Court's to impose Health Coverage Order's ... on the two cases. When the children were already covered(?). When that Coverage had already been a matter ... that the County was notified of.  How much Kick backs or ... Incentives are involved ... in Orders like these ... mentioned here and ... herein? How much Kickbacks or ... Incentives are involved ... when using the Sheriffs department ... in these two cases herein?
Hotel Restaurant
 At the Hotel Restaurant ... the Employer obtain a Insurance Package ... the children were added. The Agent realized the children were already on it. Thankfully ... instead of the father being pursued for a Crime ... The Agent dropped the children from it.  Please provide Evidence and ... Law... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law that ... the County can initiate any Order ... without confirmation ... Notice or ... negotiation from all involved?  Provide Evidence ... Proof that all Laws ... Rules ... Procedures and ... Rule of Law were followed. Please provide Proof and ... Evidence that the Procedures were disclosed in the beginning ... during Notice. Especially ... at the Department Of Human Services stage.

  We acknowledge the fact ... the State can take up to 50% of the payment ... aka Garnishment per month and ... apply it to a State debt.  In regards to ... both cases herein. Please provide Evidence ...  Proof's ... Law... Rule ... Procedure and ... Rule of Law that ... these legalities have been followed. As to wit ... these supposed State debt's can and ... has  Ar reared ... by the Full Amount ... of Garnishment ... to the supposed State debt's ... against Mr. Hileman? 
If legit
 To say herein ... that a debt ... if legit ... to the State ... Ar rears by the full amount ... of monthly support ... to the State. When by the Contracts confines ... only ruffly a third  or ... less of a months Garnishment ... actually deducts from the supposed State debt's  ... when received. 
To clarify with a fictitious example ...  mother receives 147 dollars of a Garnishment ... that is 197 dollars per month.  Garnishment does not take place for a period of months. The mother receives zero and ... the State receives zero ... during that period. The State debt goes up by 197 dollars ... every time that payment is not received. Legally ... one would think that ...  State debt can only go up by the difference  ... between 197 and ... 147 dollars per missed payment ... aka Garnishment. 

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