Monday, June 8, 2015

Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter: Child Support Part 21

 Ignoring ... and ... Destruction of Evidence
 Mr Hileman has protested from the beginning and... other then lude rebuttals. Those Protest have been ignored. Such as ... on the older case ... asking him ... to provide Proof of the scribbled Ledger and ... MC Henry County Transcript ... when the Agent or... Officer admitted it in Court. Also ... the Administrator was in his Office ... in the Court House ... that same day of that Hearing.  
On top of that ... one of the witnesses ... stepped into the Court room door ... to get the Court to acknowledge that witness ... that same Court appearance. The Referee just asked the Agent ... officer if she had a copy. That individual shrugged her shoulder's ... to indicate ... a no answer and ... the Referee changed the subject.  In fact ... ignored the witnesses and ... left proving the Scribbled Ledger and ... Transcript issue to ... Mr. Hileman to prove. By providing them ... to the same Offending Party(s). Which were ... later given copies ... in addition to the tape ... from the meeting with Dwayne ... that took place 1988. 
Another words the Offending Party(s) ... destroyed Records aka ... Evidence of wrong doings and ... admitted it. The opposite Party ... must have Jurisdiction of Subject Matter ... from the first instance and ... through out ... plus entangled in it ... is the necessity to prove ... Authority to do or ... not do something. The Offending Party(s ) ... are held to a extremely high standard. Everything they do and ... say ... can be held against them.
The webs they weave practicing to deceive
 The Signatures ...  on the supposed originals newer case ... is a issue. The reason it is a issue ... on this case being rather obvious.  All one has to do is look at it. There is a line coming into the last name Hileman. This line enters the letter L. There is a dot above the letter i in Hileman. The problem there is that ... Mr. Hileman(s) signature ... often does not appear to have the i dotted. This is because ... a large majority of the time ... it is masked by the cursive letter L.  If visible ... it will almost always appear towards the mid height of the letter LMr. Hileman is right handed and ... not left handed. The i on the Document is dotted to the left ... towards the letter HThe J  in Jeff is wrong as well. Plus other discrepancy's. Please provide Evidence and ...  Law... Procedure and ... Rule under Law... that Mr. Hileman(s) signature on the Document's ... were actually signed by him and ... not  transposed  from ... some other Document.  If that ... can not be achieved ... please provide the Violations and ... what disciplinary action was taken and ... that it was properly followed. 
 While considering  and ... acting upon the Fact ... that if it can not be Proven ... to be actually signed by Mr. Hileman ... rather then Transposed. The Law is in Mr. Hileman(s) favor. If it was not proven ... in the past ... as the issue was protested in the past ... the law has therefor been ... in Mr. Hileman(s) favor and ... ignored  for years and ... years. Restitution in Remedy is therefore ... Mandatory ... as Restitution in Remedy is mandatory from any and ... all Failing Herein. 

  The Child in this case ... has lived with her step dad ... rather then the mother for a period of time ... Ward County was told of it. The child in this case ... has wanted to live with her father ... that was a impossibility... given the missing Pertinent Document's of Identification. Also due to Destitute Circumstances ... which we are sure ... the Rules in the Law book ... do not permit.  Also ... the child had been with her aunt ... in Ward County ... a couple of times ... which the child believed were visits. 
The child ... had lived with her Uncle ... for extended period of time.
The Uncle having Temporary Power Of Attorney. Ward County... was informed of it.

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